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About Me
My work as a musician, producer, performer, filmmaker, author and guide embodies an integrative and anti-disciplinary approach to creative expression, individual transformation, and collective healing. I share it across varied performance, exhibition, screening, online, and publishing contexts.
A qualified educator (MFA PGDipE FHEA) and experienced lecturer, programme leader and tutor of post-compulsory art and design in further and higher education contexts, I am now offering 1-1 coaching services, creative transformation programmes, and free content through 'Heart School': an holistic, person-centred, and wellness-focussed container for authentic creative expression and empowerment.
In my work and life, creative media - including, but not limited to: musical composition and performance; literary expression; spiritual and movement practices; personal filmmaking and storytelling and; educational and facilitative offerings and channellings - are tools to aid presence, support compassionate inquiry, and promote connection.
Through my personal art and the transpersonal Heart School container, I seek to hold space for vulnerability and exemplify the transformation and healing that creative expression - held and witnessed lovingly - can invite.

Creative Statement
Throughout my life, I have explored myriad modes of creative expression, the fruits (and farts..) of which you can sample on the Creations pages above, or dive deeper via my free Members' area, which also signs you up to my occasional mailing list.
I feel a deep calling to perform, document, and share my ongoing journey of investigation, growth, and healing, from my BA film Jouissance (2014), which captured my struggle with sweet addiction during a period of restrictive eating, through to my book and feature-length web series overlove (2018-9) - described as “a sensual archive as much as a nonfiction novella” by Spam Zine - and beyond.
Whether my debut album First Love (2012-21) - a saccharine, downtempo, nostalgic, ethereal, dreampop ode to attachment - or my video series and live album Light & Love (2020-2022), which documents my attempts to perform presence, find flow, and BE via the doing of the creative acts that comprise it - my personal practice sees me unfurling some of the nuances of longing, love, and the quest for connection in our 'everything everywhere’ dopamine-driven consumerist moment. 2023 will continue this, with backlog additions to my annual Smiles series, the development of my third album overlove, and completion of my novel Paris Syndrome.
A sensitive being, my own struggles with mental health and interpersonal connection necessitated deep and sustained immersion in various forms of therapy and self-development. This has complemented my creative practice, supporting me in navigating extensive shadow work and emotional processing whilst providing me with the catharsis of expression and integration, the self-soothing effects of creative flow, and the joy of shining a guiding light.
For much of my life, I felt like I was journeying these paths in parallel, the academic and professional contexts not adequately holding the emotional depth and gravity of the heartistic process. The lack I felt within them salted the core wound that became a portal to Heart School, the umbrella that holds the space of overlap at the heart of the venn diagram above, integrating approaches and guiding our transformation to a flow and joy-filled life.
🫶🏻 Big Love for reading this far... 🙏🏼
My life’s work is in service of clearing the channel for creative expression, both in my personal work and holding loving space for others to encounter, integrate, and evolve the shadows that blight and blinker the transmission of light, love, fun and flow between our mortal coils.
Thank you for witnessing and engaging with this 🕯️❤️
With light, love, and warmth,